GTM Night Shelters

Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic the GTM Night Shelters are closed until further notice.
If you are homeless or at risk of losing your home, please visit Street Support for the most up to date information on how to get help.
Working together with other organisations, the GTM Night Shelter support people who would otherwise be sleeping on the streets.
Our fantastic team of volunteers provide necessary respite and relaxation from the daily efforts homeless people face.
We engage with those on the edge of society reminding them that they are not alone and are part of a community.
If you are looking to make a referral to the GTM Night Shelter, click here for more information.
The 'Rolling' Night Shelter
Our 'Rolling' Night Shelter first opened in January 2016 and uses a network of community buildings, who each host the night shelter one night per week. This night shelter runs from October to April, offers 12 beds and is run by volunteers.
We work in partnership with The Booth Centre, a local day centre, who refer guests into the night shelter and work with them during the day time to develop and implement their individual move on plans.
The 'Static' Night Shelter
Finding a building that is available 7 nights per week is difficult, however in winter 2018 a church in Manchester offered us use of their building for a static night shelter. This night shelter offers an additional 15 beds and support is provided each morning by our Support Worker.
A Bed Every Night
Both our Night Shelters are now part of the A Bed Every Night provision, a Greater Manchester initiative to provide emergency accommodation and reduce the number of people sleeping rough across the city-region.